This page is dedicated in memory of our dog named JOJO, was integral part  of our family.He reminds me of a great line once read somewhere that animals are true naturopath as they know how to behave during illness .Nature has gifted every animal on this planet the sense of knowing what is right for them ,it is only the mankind which by passage of time just don’t know what is best intake at particular situation .So wrong food is equivalent to wrong medication taken can worsen  once condition .Just once observe animals nearby u from small to larger one . This even happens with plants too if not taken care  properly that is wrongly their diet  even shade or over exposure to sun can have fatal results.

We just need to develop that sense  what is right for us just by trying to stay close to nature and learn from those learned people who have dedicated their whole life for mankind so that we can give our coming generation a healthy mind and body.

HHC clinic also provides consultation and treatment for animals which are again totally herbal.

Clinic has also on panel some  veterinary doctors who do believe in herbal treatment whom consultation can be arranged.

Copyright 2018 hakimhakamchand

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